5 июня 2021 г.

Сетка CSS-Grid

 Сетка CSS-Grid



Create Button

Media Queries


Media Queries Level 4


Модуль макета таблицы сетки CSS Уровень 1

Редакторский проект, 24 марта 2017 г.



Полное руководство по CSS-сетке


Основные понятия компоновки сетки


Области шаблона сетки


Реализация общих макетов с использованием CSS Grid Layout


3 июня 2021 г.

Hardening Wordpress

 Hardening Recommendations

Caution: The following recommendations are for server administrators with knowledge of how these files work. If you do not feel comfortable with these suggestions, we recommend using a website firewall that includes virtual hardening instead.

4.1 - Basic .htaccess Configurations

The .htaccess file is what most vendors will modify when they say they are hardening your environment.

This critical configuration file is specific for web servers running on Apache. If you’re running your WordPress instance on a LAMP stack using Apache, then we recommend hardening your site by updating your .htaccess file with the following rules.


Some of the rules below are dependant on the version of Apache you are running. In those cases, we have included instructions for both versions 2.2 and 2.4 of Apache Server.


Rule Explanation

  1. # BEGIN WordPress
  2. # Rewrite rule
  3. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  4. RewriteEngine On
  5. RewriteBase /
  6. RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
  7. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  8. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  9. RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
  10. </IfModule>
  11. # END WordPress

Rewrite Rule:

This rule is generated by WordPress if it has write access to your server, most notably to fix issues with pretty permalinks.

If it isn’t at the top of your file, place at the top of your .htaccess file. Any other rules should go after the # BEGIN WordPress and # END WordPress statements.

  1. # Block IPs for login Apache 2.2
  2. <files /wp-login.php>
  3. order deny, allow
  4. allow from MYIP
  5. allow from MYIP2
  6. deny from all
  7. </files>
  8. # Block IPS for login Apache 2.4
  9. <Files "wp-login.php">
  10. Require all denied
  11. </Files>

Restrict Logins to IP Range

This rule restricts access to wp-login.php to an IP, protecting you from unauthorized login attempts in other locations. Even if you do not have a static IP, you can still restrict logins to your ISP common range.

Use this same entry on other authenticated URLs that you’d like to restrict, including /wp-admin. If you are using a dynamic IP, you can refer to our instructions: How to lock down WordPress Admin Panel with a dynamic IP

  1. # Protect wp-config Apache 2.2
  2. <files wp-config.php>
  3. order allow,deny
  4. deny from all
  5. </files>
  6. #Protect wp-config Apache 2.4
  7. <Files "wp-config.php">
  8. Require all denied
  9. Require ip
  10. </Files>

Protect wp-config.php

This rule restricts visitors from accessing your wp-config.php file, which contains sensitive information about the database, including name, host, username and password. This file is also used to define advanced settings, security keys and developer options.

  1. # Prevent directory browsing
  2. Options All -Indexes

Prevent Directory Browsing

This rule prevents attackers from viewing the folder contents of your website, restricting the information they have to exploit your website.

  1. # Prevent image hotlinking
  2. RewriteEngine on
  3. RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
  4. RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} \
  5. !^http://(www\.)example.com/.*$ [NC]
  6. RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png)$ - [NC,F,L]

Prevent Image Hotlinking

This rule prevents other websites from using images hosted on your website. While hotlinking won’t get your site hacked, it can result in a damaging exploitation of your server resources. Change example.com to your website.

  1. # Protect htaccess Apache 2.2
  2. <files ~ "^.*\.([Hh][Tt][Aa])">
  3. order allow, deny
  4. deny from all
  5. satisfy all
  6. </files>
  7. # Protect htaccess Apache 2.4
  8. <FilesMatch "^.*\.([Hh][Tt][Aa])">
  9. Require all denied
  10. </FilesMatch>

Protect .htaccess

This rule prevents attackers from accessing any files that start with “hta” - this ensures that .htaccess files are protected in all of the directories of your server.

  1. # Block Includes
  2. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  3. RewriteEngine On
  4. RewriteBase /
  5. RewriteRule ^wp-admin/includes/ - [F,L]
  6. RewriteRule !^wp-includes/ - [S=3]
  7. RewriteRule ^wp-includes/[^/]+\.php$ - [F,L]
  8. RewriteRule ^wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/.+\.php \
  9. - [F,L]
  10. RewriteRule ^wp-includes/theme-compat/ - [F,L]
  11. </IfModule>

Block Includes

This rule blocks hackers from inserting malicious files into any of the four primary folders used for includes:

  • /wp-admin/includes/
  • /wp-includes
  • /wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/
  • /wp-includes/theme-compat/


Rule Explanation

  1. # Backdoor Protection Apache 2.2
  2. <Files *.php>
  3. deny from all
  4. </Files>
  5. # Backdoor Protection Apache 2.4
  6. <FilesMatch ".+\.php$">
  7. Require all denied
  8. </FilesMatch>

Prevent PHP Backdoors

This rule prevents hackers from placing PHP backdoors in the /wp-includes/ and /wp-content/uploads/ folders, two popular locations for malicious file uploads.

4.2 - Application Configurations


The wp-config.php file is a very important configuration file containing sensitive information about your WordPress site, including database connections.

If the wp-config.php file does not exist in the root folder, WordPress will automatically look for this file in the folder above the root directory. Moving this file out of the root folder prevents wp-config.php from being accessible from the Internet.

Salts & Keys

The wp-config file includes a section dedicated to authentication salts and keys. These salts and keys improve the security of cookies and passwords that are in transit between your browser and the web server.

You can set up your keys by including or editing these lines after the other define statements in your wp-config.php file:

define('AUTH_KEY', 'include salt here');
define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'include salt here');
define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'include salt here');
define('NONCE_KEY', 'include salt here');

You can easily generate your salts by navigating to the wordpress.org salt generator or using the reset salts + keys option in our WordPress Plugin.


  • If you suspect that the secret keys have been compromised, regenerate them as soon as possible. All users will need to re-authenticate.

Disable File Editing

By default, file changes can be made through Appearance > Editor from the WordPress dashboard.

You can increase your WordPress security by disabling file editing from the dashboard. This prevents an attacker from changing your files through the backend or wp-admin. You will still be able to make changes via SFTP/SSH.

To disable file editing from the dashboard, include the following two lines of code at the end of your wp-config.php file:

## Disable Editing in Dashboard
define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);


28 мая 2021 г.



Менеджер проекта

1. Стратегия, товар, целевая аудитория

Разработка стратегии интернет-магазина, 

Анализ и сегментация целевой аудитории, 

Формирование ассортимента 

Работа с поставщиками

2. Сайт как площадка продаж

Выбор платформы для e-commerce

Автоматизация и интеграция интернет-магазина

Юзабилити для e-commerce

Текстовый контент: цели и задачи

3. Операционные процессы в e-commerce

Организационная структура интернет-магазина и KPI в e-commerce

Организация и оптимизация бизнес-процессов

Юридическое сопровождение

Логистика и системы платежей

Финансы и управленческий учет в е-сommerce

4. Digital-продвижение интернет-магазина

Стратегия продвижения интернет-магазина

Инструменты интернет-продвижения для e-commerce

Аналитика интернет-магазина

Повышение лояльности клиентов: сайт и колл-центр



1. Основы маркетинга

Анализ и сегментация целевой аудитории

Анализ конкурентов и формирование УТП

2. Сайт и контент

Контент на сайте: тексты и графика

Юзабилити сайта

Эффективные посадочные страницы

3. Удержание пользователей



Social Media Marketing (SMM)

4. Инструменты привлечения трафика на сайт

Контекстная реклама

Поисковое продвижение (SEO)

Медийная (баннерная) реклама

CPA и партнерский маркетинг

Таргетированная реклама


5. Управление интернет-маркетингом


Стратегия продвижения в интернете

планирование рекламной кампании


Поддержка Fron-End

1. Верстка

Базовая HTML-разметка, CSS

2. Основы HTML-разметки

Блочные и инлайновые элементы

Семантическая разметка документа

Управление блоков в потоке

Позиционирование блоков

3. Таблицы стилей CSS

CSS селекторы

Стили текста и оформления

Стили позиционирования, отступы и размеры блоков

4. Приближение результата верстки к макету

Работа с Adobe Photoshop, вёрстка в точном соответствии с макетом

Особенности подготовки изображений для верстки

5. Организация работы над макетом и кодом

Процесс верстки сайта

Профессиональное оформление кода

Возможности JavaScript


Управление Back-End

GDRP - General Data Protection Regulation

Общий регламент по защите данных

рекомендации от ПС:



Закон должен соблюдаться во всех европейских странах (но также применяется к компаниям, не входящим в ЕС, которые имеют пользователей в ЕС). Несоблюдение этих рекомендаций в конечном итоге может привести к штрафу до 20 миллионов евро или 4% от годового оборота - в зависимости, что окажется большим.

Нужно приложить немного больше усилий, чтобы привести свои ресурсы в соответствие к правилам GDRP https://gdpr-info.eu/chapter-3/

Различные программные средства для ВВП

В соответствии с GDPR компании, занимающиеся обработкой определенных видов данных, должны назначить сотрудника по защите данных (DPO) , именованного лица с юридической ответственностью за соблюдение конфиденциальности организации, включая PbD. Это требование не зависит от размера компании, а это означает, что даже самый маленький бизнес, занимающийся некоторыми видами обработки данных, должен назначить DPO.

Если веб-сайт собирает, хранит или использует любые данные, относящиеся к гражданину ЕС, вы должны соблюдать следующее: 

- Сообщите пользователю: кто вы, почему  вы собираете данные, как долго  и кто их получает. 
- Получите четкое подтверждение, прежде чем собирать какие-либо данные. 
- Позвольте пользователям получить доступ к их данным и взять их с собой. 
- Позвольте пользователям удалить  свои данные. 
- Сообщите пользователям, если  происходят нарушения данных.

См. Этот приятный инфографик из Европейской комиссии

Правила обработки персональных данных - EU GDRP https://ec.europa.eu/justice/smedataprotect/index_en.htm

Анонимизация IP-адресов в Analytics будет ущербной практикой, поскольку все данные пользователя тоже будут утрачены. Вместо этого на WebmasterWorld рекомендуют использовать маскировку IP.

- статья от одного из разработчиков этого закона:


- обсуждение и вопросы на ycombinator:


- пример реализации политики конфиденциальности Oath:





27 мая 2021 г.

HTML, CSS and JavaScript resources

 HTML, CSS and JavaScript resources

This document is available from bit.ly/webdevres.

For information about Progressive Web Apps, see bit.ly/pwa-resources.

Browser tools

Chrome Dev Tools 

Built into Chrome. Edit HTML, CSS and JavaScript live, or run code in the console

Firefox Developer Tools 

Firefox developer tools: choose Web Developer from the Tools menu.

Microsoft Edge Developer Tools (F12) Tools

Developer tools for Internet Explorer.

Opera Dragonfly

Opera tools.

Documentation, tutorials and help


Simple, low-bandwidth tutorials for HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other languages.


Well designed interactive courses on many web topics, including: 

• HTML + CSS Intro

• JavaScript Basics

Intro to Progressive Web Apps

• Responsive Images

20 things I learned about the Web

Gentle introduction to web technologies – in a good-looking online ‘book’.

Khan Academy

Great place to start with computer science.

Code Academy

Simple and clearly structured interactive lessons in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Code Wars

Interactive learning for JavaScript and other languages.

Web Design in 4 Minutes

(Very) short introduction to techniques for getting started on the web.

JavaScript in 14 Minutes

Interactive introduction to JavaScript.


Great place to ask (and find high quality answers to) web-related questions. If you have a question, make sure to search first in case it’s already been asked.


Guidance, analysis and a blog. (Supersedes Web Fundamentals.)

Web Fundamentals

Best practice for multi-device web development. (Supersedes HTML5 Rocks — and much of this is superseded by web.dev.)

html5rocks.com and updates.html5rocks.com

(Deprecated and mostly ported to Web Fundamentals or web.dev.) Tutorials, demos and updates of all that is (or was) new in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. 


I like this site, but bear in mind the warnings at w3fools.com.


Mozilla Developer Network: demos, tutorials and reference documentation localized into dozens of languages and maintained by hundreds of volunteer contributors and Mozilla staff.


Downloadable documentation for core web technologies.


One-of-a-kind, well-written how-to and history for everything HTML5.


HTML, CSS and JavaScript articles and tutorials.


‘For all your browser quirks’. In depth articles on a range of topics.


Reference documentation by a respected book publisher.


HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other documentation from Microsoft.

CSS Tricks

In-depth articles about CSS. 

Smashing Magazine

Multi-device web design, tools and techniques. 

Chrome Developer Docs Team Learning Materials

A gold mine: links to resources, each categorised and rated.


Site built by Googler Paul Kinlan to search reputable web documentation


Cross-industry effort to build web documentation. No longer maintained, but still has some useful information.


Introductory web concept workshop materials.

Front-end cheatsheets

Compilation of cheatsheets.

News and newsletters

Frontend Focus

Weekly roundup of what's new for HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

JavaScript Weekly

JavaScript news, articles and videos.


High performance HTML

HTML is the core language of the web, but often neglected.  (Shameless self promotion — I wrote this.)

HEAD: A free guide to <head> elements

Includes discussion of internationalisation and lots of links to other resources.

W3C list of elements

Comprehensive, up-to-date list of elements, attributes and events, with examples.


The 30 CSS Selectors You Must Memorize

Examples, demos and compatibility.

Default browser stylesheets

Default styles for HTML elements.



JavaScript tutorial — straightforward but detailed.

Basic JavaScript 

Well-written introductory article.


Vanilla JS alternatives to jQuery and other library functions.

ES2015+ cheatsheet

Great overview of new and recent JavaScript features, most of which are well supported, and many of which make code more expressive and understandable.

Browser capability


Mobile and desktop browser capabilities, with links to documentation.


Web platform feature support and examples.


Want to know what’s coming to Chrome? Blink is Chromium’s rendering engine.


Internet Explorer status and roadmap.

WebKit Feature Status

What's supported by Safari and what's in development.


ECMAScript compatibility tables.


Stuff that your browser can do, with links to demos and information about browser support.


Capability information for mobile browsers.


HTML, CSS and JavaScript features: what’s in flux, what’s flakey, and what you can do about it.


Tests your browser’s CSS3 support.


Benchmark your browser using real-world examples, not raw JavaScript performance.

Website performance data

HTTP Archive

'We periodically crawl the top sites on the web and record detailed information about fetched resources, used web platform APIs and features, and execution traces of each page. We then crunch and analyze this data to identify trends — learn more about our methodology.'

Web Almanac: library and framework usage 

Annual HTTP Archive roundup — note that this is only for homepages.

Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX)

'User experience metrics for how real-world Chrome users experience popular destinations on the web.'

Alexa Internet

The world's most popular websites, listed by country and category, based on data from a browser toolbar/extension. Owned by Amazon, not to be confused with the Amazon Alexa assistant AI.

Stats, archives...

Wikipedia browser usage share

Comparison of statistics from various sources.


Charts of browser share organised by territory, platform, browser version and other metrics. 

App Annie

Analytics and stats for native apps.

Sensor Tower

App data.

Building for billions

Data and resources for emerging markets.

HTTP Archive

Trends in web technology, interesting stats, website performance.

Wayback Machine

Archive of over 400 billion web pages.

Online code editors

JS Bin

Edit HTML, CSS and JavaScript live – then save and link to your work.


Online code playground for HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


Front-end playground and showcase.

Mozilla Thimble

Edit and publish web pages online – from the creators of Firefox.


A good place for absolute beginners.

Google code playground

Examples of Google and JavaScript APIs.


Creating and Hosting a Personal Site on GitHub

Introduction to Git, GitHub, GitHub Pages and Jekyll.

Validators, code checkers, tools...

W3C HTML validator

HTML validation tool.


HTML analysis tool.

W3C CSS validator

CSS validation tool.


CSS linting, editor plugins available.

CSS Beautify

Open source tool for formatting CSS, from Sencha Labs.


JavaScript linting utility with plugins for editors such as Sublime and build tools such as Gulp and Grunt.


JavaScript linting tool (much like JSLint, but more configurable, with editor and Grunt plugins available).


JSON validator.

JS Beautifier

Open source tool for formatting JavaScript and HTML.



Open source automated testing tool, available from the Chrome DevTools Audit panel, as a Chrome extension, or as a command line tool.

Webpage Test

Cross browser page load testing, from servers on a variety of networks and locations globally.

Page Speed Tools

Google tool to ‘help developers optimize their web pages by applying web performance best practices’. Now with UX and mobile testing.


Open source, customisable site testing tool, available online or from the command line.


Test and monitor globally on a variety of cell networks.

Charles Proxy

Web debugging proxy: can be used to adjust bandwidth and latency

Augmented Traffic Control (ATC) 

Set of open source applications maintained by Facebook that can be used to shape traffic and emulate impaired network conditions.


Create, share and compare test cases.

Network Link Conditioner

Network emulation tool for OS X and iOS.

Web Developer Checklist

Checklist of requirements for high-quality web apps and sites.


Prioritised list of tasks and testing tools.

Libraries, package managers, frameworks…


Front-end build tool. 


JavaScript task runner.

But be aware of Why we should stop using Grunt & Gulp.


Module bundler.


Module bundler.


‘Modern workflows for modern webapps.’


Package manager.


Feature detection library.

The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Frameworks

Comprehensive list with pros and cons.


Cross-platform JavaScript library with UI and widget plugins. But be aware of youmightnotneedjquery.com.


JavaScript optimisation, linting and more.


CSS variables, inheritance, mixins and more.


Cross-browser CSS library.


MVC framework.

HTML5 cross-browser polyfills

A catalogue of JavaScript libraries to deal with a variety of missing or non-standard functionality.

Sencha and Ext JS

Cross browser HTML5 web app frameworks.


Web app framework.

Other stuff


Free placeholder images.

Specs and standards


HTML, CSS and all that.


‘The HTML Living Standard’.


JavaScript is a dialect of this.

Updates from browser vendors






Developer surveys

State of JS

Annual survey of developer attitudes.

State of CSS

Annual survey from the State of JS team.

Stack Overflow Developer Survey

Survey of Stack Overflow contributors.

MDN Web DNA Report

Huge annual report.


JavaScript: The Definitive Guide

by David Flanagan

An actual printed book! Classic reference, highly readable.

Eloquent JavaScript

by Marijn Haverbeke (online or print)

Good introduction to programming, via JavaScript – with lots of good (editable) online examples.

Don’t Make Me Think 

by Steve Krug

Another actual book! Nearly 20 years old, but still one of the best and most readable guides to interface design.

JavaScript: The Good Parts

by Douglas Crockford

Anything by Crockford is good – especially his video lectures on JavaScript (slides here).