31 декабря 2015 г.

User-friendly 2016

The State of Mobile Checkout & Form Usability


Baymard : 2015 and 2016

  • 8 UX Requirements for Designing a User-Friendly Homepage CarouselДомашняя страница требует крайней осторожности при адаптации. Исследования юзабилити для мобильных и настольных пользователей показали, какие правила необходимо выполнить, чтобы дизайн был правильным. Это происходит по всем 8 детали дизайна и разбивает их по их трех ключевых элементов: последовательность слайдов, авто-ротация и контекст устройства (т.е. mobile vs tablet vs desktop).
  • Improve Validation Errors with Adaptive Messages – Validation errors won’t ever be eliminated, they are a natural part of complex forms and user inputs. This article shares insights from our usability studies and looks at how error messages are a key factor in the user’s error recovery experience.
  • Users’ Perception of Product Ratings – Our latest research shows that users actually have a bias towards slightly poorer rated products if they are based on a higher number of reviews. This article explores these new qualitative and quantitative research findings and discuss their implications on product listing design.
  • Category-Specific Sorting: A New Way to Sort Products – During our research study on product list usability the test subjects repeatedly sought out category-specific sorting, yet this feature has been completely overlooked by the e-commerce community. This article introduces the new concept of category-specific sorting options and illustrates how powerful it can be.
  • Responsive Upscaling: 11 Ideas for Large-Screen E-Commerce Design – Only 18% of top e-commerce sites are optimized for large monitors, despite 3/4 of transactions are made on PCs and 1/3 of that traffic being on screens wider than 1350px. This article explores 11 “big screen” responsive design opportunities.


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