20 ноября 2015 г.

11 Advanced Link Building Techniques For Future SEO

11 Advanced Link Building Techniques For Future SEO

If you ask me about the core item needed for ranking a website, I would recommend link building. Search engine optimization (SEO) is now a master game of backlinks. If you play smartly, then you’ll win higher rankings. If not, Google will use its latest algorithm update to slap you hard with penalties and throw you off of the initial SERP (search engine results page).
Over the past five years, Google has launched Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Pigeon, Pirate and other updates to establish better search rankings free from web spam. As a result, Google has stopped traditional link building tactics like bookmarking, directories, and article submissions dead in their tracks, but quality backlinks are still a key factor for search engine rankings.

Quality Backlinks = Relevancy + Trust + Authoritative Website

Link building can drastically improve your site search rankings with just the above formula. If you make links to relevant websites with good trust, value, and authority, then that link will be epic! First, let’s look at each piece of this puzzle to help you better understand quality backlinks.


Source: Calculate Marketing
As the name suggests, your links should come from relevant websites. Whoever links to you and wherever you create links to should always be relevant to your niche industry. For example, if you’re running a travel blog, then you should create links to travel-related websites only. It’s critical that you make links and take notice of where you’re linking visitors to for a ranking boost. Of course, you want your web business to survive and thrive, so make certain your created links are to other relevant resources.


Whenever you trust someone, then you’ll be comfortable doing anything for them even when you’re blindfolded. Human life depends on trust, and frankly so does Google. Rather than focusing entirely on creating millions of links, find ways to gain trust. I highly recommend you do this by regularly creating epic content on your website to attain a level of trust from followers or clients. You can also:
• Link to websites from .gov, .edu, and .org
• Resource links from high-authority sites
• Create links to websites with facts and resources

While I know it’s not easy getting these links, pushing out killer content into the World Wide Web will help you dramatically. Once people start coming your way, they’ll praise you with these quality backlinks. This is essential because recent Google research shows that soon website ranking will value trust more than any other SEO factor!

Authoritative Website

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google’s founders, first suggested the concept of page rank to help determine a website’s link popularity. Authoritative websites are those which have created a high-quality link profile and get backlinks through web pages rather than just one URL. Wikipedia is one of the best examples of authoritative websites. Other authoritative websites include CNN for news, ESPN for sports updates, CDC for health facts, etc.
If your goal is to start building an authority, then start focusing on publishing content which others haven’t already shared but wish to learn about. Make your posts unique with facts and figures that add value to your content. You’ll soon find that links from authoritative websites will trickle in and boost your overall link profile.

11 Advanced Link Building Techniques

Now that you’re more well-versed in backlinks, you’ll need to learn some of the latest and greatest tactics for getting these links. I’ve called it advanced link building techniques because the following are traditionally known only to SEO gurus. Below I’ll give you the insider scoop on how to enhance your website’s value and develop the quality backlinks you seek.
  1. Broken Link Building

When you help others, then they’re more likely to return the favor. That’s basically the concept behind the concept of broken link building. This technique involves finding the pages with broken links to your business on Google through keyword-related rightful queries. Then, you’ll run the free broken link checker plug-in to discover all 404 broken links on respective pages. Once you find these broken links, you can create epic content that can be used to replace it and email the webmaster with the changeup request.
  1. Resource Links

Resources are the most common Internet places that people look to for learning or checking facts on anything. You’ll need to create a resource of a niche topic that makes you entirely different on the web. For instance, if you’re a SEO expert in link evaluation, you’d make resources full of link evaluation techniques, tools, how-to guides, and case studies. Next, you need to outreach your resources for people to share on their own websites. Once people start seeing your exemplary resources, they’ll start giving you backlinks.
  1. Skyscraper Technique

Using the skyscraper technique is worth mentioning here because of its unique, straightforward approach and high success rate in SEO. The skyscraper technique simply involves finding a great linkable asset in your chosen niche and creating something better or more up-to-date. Then, you’ll construct an email and shoot it to people who are already linking to the similar content for a fresh perspective. Brian Dean explains how this technique works very nicely.
  1. Natural Guest Blogging

Spamming is popular that can easily raise rankings, but I want to specifically place an emphasis on NATURAL guest blogging here. As you might know, Matt Cutts declared that guest blogging might harm your search engine ranking in early 2014 because people often misuse it for gaining link juice. However, if you do guest blogging for simply sharing information, then it could be the best and easiest way to drum up tons of traffic from social media. Read more on this great article about how guest posts can never be dead.
  1. Find Competitors’ Common Backlinks

In today’s cutthroat market, it’s critical that you always stay one step ahead of your competitors. That’s why I always recommend that you use SEMRush to find your competitors’ common backlinks. After all, if they can make links there, then why can’t you?
  1. Dead Backlink Recovery

When you migrate your domain or remove pages from your website, the result will ultimately be a slew of dead backlinks buried in cyberspace. In order to improve your ranking, you’ll need to recover these dead backlinks by finding the 404 errors on the webmaster tool or Ahrefs. From there, you can redirect to healthy links to other valuable content pages on your site.
  1. Turn Mentions into Backlinks

Sometimes, other people will mention you or your company’s brand name on their website without providing backlinks. In this situation, you should ask them to give you a link using your name or brand. I suggest using Google Alerts or Mention to find who has mentioned your name across the Internet and then outreach them with a really cool email they can’t resist.
  1. Include Infographics

Who would choose to read through paragraphs of text when images and videos take considerably less time and brain power to digest? Exactly, no one. Visual content is much more attractive than textual content. Infographics are graphic depictions that clearly communicate information in a more enjoyable manner. Publishers who use infographics tend to get 12% average growth in web traffic. In fact, infographics generate 53 more likes than average posts on Facebook too. Create an alluring infographic and reach out to bloggers who love to share infographics for high-quality backlinks. You can simply generate an embed code and ask people to use it if they like it.
  1. Create Lists

Another great idea for link building is to create lists on your website for any information that is relevant to your niche. If you’re in the health industry, you may want to publish lists detailing the “10 proven ways to lose weight” or “9 best core workouts.” This article on the 100 SEO Experts to Follow is another prime example. It’s human nature to enjoy reading information that comes in list format. So, begin crafting articles that list or provide simply steps to follow for generating more quality backlinks than normal posts.
  1. Product Outreach

If you’re running a product company, then you should be using your product to start getting backlinks. Promote your website to expert reviewers in your industry and ask them to review your product for free in exchange for a detailed review post with backlinks. In particular, product outreach works spectacularly in the health industry for weight loss and muscle gainer products as well as the gadget industry for smartphones and computers. Approach an expert reviewer for free product reviews and ask for backlinks to your website.
  1. Give Cool Materials

Last but certainly not least, you can generate quality leads to your website by simply offering cool materials that outpace your competitors. It’s a fact that people love to share free detailed and informational stuffs on their websites. Creating eBooks, guides, white papers, and how-to manuals are excellent ways to attract new web visitors and gain quality links in any industry.

Final Words

Overall, the above link building techniques can be used to boost your SERP site rankings with Google and improve your brand recognition with tons of new loyal social media followers. Use these tactics to stay 10 steps ahead of the latest Google spam-fighting updates and you’ll also avoid costly penalties down the road. Let me know which backlink technique you enjoy most and would like to use in 2015 in the below comment section!

Shane Barker is a digital marketing consultant, named the #1 social media consultant in the nation by PROskore Power Rankings. He has expertise in business development, online marketing and is an SEO specialist who has consulted with Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and a number of A-list celebrities.


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